Ursel Schlicht – piano & prepared piano
Hans Tammen – guitar & prepared guitar
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Ursel Schlicht and Hans Tammen work together since 1989. STATEMENTS uses open approaches and suites of conversational sketches and extended sound techniques with prepared piano and innovative guitar sounds. They released their CD Statements as a duo in 1995. The CD Statements Quintet: The Cat’s Pyjamas was released in 1999, with Christoph Irmer, Dominic Duval and Jay Rosen. Statements worked also as a quartet with Theo Bleckmann and Thomas Ulrich. During a 10-day performance and recording series in Mexico City, their last CD Statements in México was produced, and then released in 2002. Organized by German and Francisco Bringas, this recording brought them together with a great lineup of musicians from Mexico City.
These echoes of the sonic revolution are uniformly well-rendered (Milo Fine, Cadence Magazine 1997)
Extravagante Material- und Tonverfremdungen (Melodiva 1997)