Artists: Marlon de Azambuja (Spain/Brazil), Augmented Mountain (USA), Almudena Baeza (Spain), Heleno Bernardi (Brazil), Elena Blasco (Spain), Eva Davidova (USA/Spain) Jorge Diezma (Spain), Meredith Drum (USA), Cliff Evans (USA), Juan Ugalde (Spain) and Marina Zurkow (USA)
…I would say man does not consist only of chemical processes, but also of metaphysical occurrences… – Joseph Beuys
HAPPENLAND, curated by Almudena Baeza and Eva Davidova, presents installation, sculpture, video art, painting, photography and augmented reality by 10 internationally acclaimed artists from Spain, Brazil and USA. The exhibition brings rarely seen together, visually resolute works engaging public space, behavior, and environmental activism, with the underlying premise: The artist has honored the brainwave.
Original link: http://www.radiatorarts.com/happenland/
Sounds for Eva Davidova's "Untitled (Casa Curruchet)" were created resurrecting and using the DX100 synthesizer I bought in 1985.
Untitled (casa Curruchet) from Eva Davidova on Vimeo.