Hans Tammen – guitar, homebrew software
Kurt Ralske – video, homebrew software
Buy DVD from our webstore here. This is a dual-angle DVD with the performers on angle 1 plus picture-in-picture of the video, and the full-screen video on angle 2 (see excerpts of angle 2 below).
“Shadow Puppies unites three of New York’s most distinctive sonic experimentalists in endangered guitar improviser Tammen, Dr. Nerve conceptualist Didkovsky and gauzy videographher Ralske – all of whom double on electronics.” – Time Out New York

Shadow Puppies is a trio which conjures rich, complex, and entrancing worlds of electronic sound and vision in real-time. Nick Didkovsky and Hans Tammen stretch the boundaries of tabletop electric guitar with an arsenal of objects, electronics, and homebrew computer software, while Kurt Ralske interactively captures and processes video using digital technology of his own design. The result is an uninterrupted journey through sonic eruptions, video hallucinations, and aggressive, entrancing mediascapes.
Shadow Puppies at Monmouth University 2011
Shadow Puppies at Roulette 2003 (DVD Excerpt)
2004 at CREATE@iEAR at Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, Troy / LEMUR Guitarbot