Bruchharsch is an electronic feedback loop between autonomous processes running on analog audio and video synthesizers. I played in a rock band in the 1970s, and to create psychedelic effects during our performances we ran audio from our amplifiers straight into coils of TV sets next to the stage. It was with this experience in mind that I approached my residency at Signal Culture in Owego 2017. They provided me with analog video synthesizers mostly built in the mid-70s such as Dave Jones’ Raster Manipulator and Colorizer, a Wobbulator (popularized by Nam June Paik) and the Hearn Videolab. There are also various oscilloscopes, a Dave Jones MVIP and a Critter & Guitari Videoscope – all of the above were at some point used in the materials created. The visual source material of BRUCHHARSCH is primarily from a video oscilloscope.
For the audio portion a Buchla Music Easel and a Hordijk Blippoo Box were used.
3-Channel Video Version
Original 2017 Version
2021 Adornaxis Exhibition

Using an oscilloscope as the source material