Detlef Landeck - trombone, tapes, electronics
 Hans Tammen - guitar, tapes, electronics

Remix of recordings made during an art project that was part of the 1997 documenta city program of the city of Kassel, Germany. The street “Treppenstrasse” in Kassel is located in the middle of one of the first pedestrian zones in Germany. Originally it was planned as a symbol for the pride of the Third Reich, an axis from the city’s main train station to the biggest square for the presentation of marching nazi troops.

A Blue Box was located in the middle of the Treppenstrasse. For two days artists Detlef Landeck and Hans Tammen confront pedestrians from inside the box with the street’s eventful history, using a sound system to juxtapose historic sounds with the sounds of today.

Reporters from “Freies Radio Kassel”, a regional radio station, roam the area interviewing pedestrians, and capture a wide range of friendly and hostile opinions. This remix, broadcasted a year later, juxtaposes excerpts from the interviews and recordings of the live performance. See the Soundcloud comment section for an explanation of the German remarks.