“Turbulent flow, long considered a form of chaos, is now know to possess an intricate structure of vortices and eddies within other vortices and eddies… The spatial structure of turbulence, like that of any structure that is made of small copies of itself, is said to have a “fractal” nature… Like a vortex, which maintains its shape despite the fact that it is but part of a violently moving fluid, a command system in battle must form an island of stability amid the surrounding chaos, an island created by the same forces producing the turmoil around it.” (Manuel DeLanda).

Dark Circuits Festival 2014
Solo Concert at Warper Party 2009
Hans Tammen – Herb Robertson – Jay Rosen at Bowery Poetry Club
Jan 2009 at Bowery Poetry Club, Hans Tammen – endangered guitar, blippoo box, Herb Robertson – trumpet, Jay Rosen – percussion